Category Results: "Blog"

Common Challenges to Achieve Clinical Quality Goals: Containment

Containment in healthcare involves equipping providers with the appropriate recommendations to effectively manage a patient’s care within their practice, without the need for unnecessary referrals or consultations outside of the practice. This is particularly important in ensuring efficient resource utilization and reducing healthcare costs while maintaining high-quality care.

Evaluate Practice Performance Metrics for eConsult Programs: Measuring Practice Cost Savings

eConsults drive practice cost savings for your practices by replacing referrals, eliminating unnecessary testing, reducing emergency room visits and avoiding hospital readmissions. An eConsult that avoids a specialty referral results in 3 avoided specialty visits, which is the average number of appointments needed to diagnose and treat a patient. Each specialty visit costs approximately $300. The avoided visit savings to an at-risk practice is $900.

7 Ways To Grow Your Referral Network as a Specialist

Growing your referral network as a specialist is a pivotal aspect of developing a thriving practice. Developing a good referral network expands your reach within the healthcare community, increasing the likelihood of receiving patient referrals from other professionals.

Improving Patient Outcomes: How Specialists will Contribute to Value-Based Care

In healthcare, the shift towards value-based care is reshaping how providers deliver and patients receive medical services. At the heart of this transformation are specialists. This approach is not just a change in the reimbursement model; it’s a fundamental reimagining of how we define and achieve success in healthcare. Specialists will play a critical role in the realm of value-based care.

Patient Education for Informed Decision-Making

In today’s complex world of healthcare, it’s more important than ever for people to have the knowledge they need to make wise decisions about their well-being. Patient education is a key part of this process, and it’s about more than just passing along information.