Asynchronous Telemedicine for EKG Review

Treadmill Stress Test

Asynchronous telemedicine EKG review


EKG Review

The patient was able to complete the full Bruce protocol treadmill stress test and was able to achieve METS of 12.1 with no chest pain.

Please interpret the exercise treadmill test.

The ‘Super PCP’-How eConsults enhance primary care capacities image

The Super PCP: How Asynchronous Telemedicine Enhances Quality Primary Care and Capacity

As a shortage of specialists looms and the effectiveness of referral processes wanes, healthcare looks toward asynchronous telemedicine to enhance quality primary care and capacity at the front line of respect for our patient population. Through strengthening this effective and efficient care setting, access and outcomes improve. Learn more about how telehealth technologies, specifically eConsults, are a valuable resource for enhancing primary care through increased capacity.

An estimated 209,000 primary care physicians (PCPs) are caring for a population fast approaching 325 million2.

As America’s baby boomers age, PCPs have steadily increased the volume of cases referred to specialist care by having more than doubled since 19993. However, the country is also projecting a deficit of 95,000 specialty physicians by 20254.

The rising tide of demand and waning supply of physicians has resulted in a less effective and more costly specialty referral process. Referrals often lack complete medical workups, are sent to the wrong specialist, or are inappropriate for specialist attention. Long delays for PCPs to receive the results from specialist visits decrease a PCP’s ability to optimize the patients’ care. Most importantly, referral issues may delay the necessary patient treatment and lower satisfaction with the care process.

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8 Ways electronic podiatry consultation supports value-based care

8 Ways eConsult Services can be used by PCPs

eConsult services are an easy way for primary care providers (PCPs) and their patients to access specialty care. PCPs across the country are using eConsult solutions as an effective telehealth resource to improve access, quality, outcomes, and satisfaction–all while reducing patient out-of-pocket costs.

eConsult platforms, such as AristaMD’s eConsult platform, allow primary care providers (PCPs) to obtain care planning advice and treatment recommendations from specialists in >70 specialty areas, within 24 hours, over 50% responded to within 4 hours.

As “curbside” consults are no longer viable due to liability, electronic consultations provide PCPs with access to expert advice within a significantly simpler workflow. Rather than waiting on the phone or being pulled out of a room for a return call, the eConsult workflow is seamlessly integrated into the referral process and specialist information is available quickly, and when expected.

eConsults have even been shown effective in more complex specialties such as Hematology & Rheumatology.  AristaMD eConsults always include necessary diagnostics, recent visit notes, and images according to our workup checklists, allowing specialists to provide meaningful, actionable input allowing treatment at the primary care level in over 70% of submitted cases, eliminating the need for a specialist visit.