After launching an eConsult program, referral trends should decline and stabilize once eConsults are being used regularly by your providers. Earlier, we reviewed a chart that showed a peak in eConsult usage. This peak is the ideal time to educate providers about additional specialties that eConsult can support. My team can provide sample use cases and common conditions during this period to improve cost savings and reduce the burden to patients that come with visiting a specialist in-person.
Common Pediatric Conditions Requested by eConsult
eConsults address many common pediatric conditions. Treat your pediatric patients in the primary care setting with specialist advice. Review common conditions for pediatric patients.
Common Adult Chief Complaints Requested by eConsult
eConsults address many common conditions and adult chief complaints. Treat patients in the primary care setting with specialist advice. Review common conditions for adults.
Implementing New Technology in Healthcare is Easy
Primary care referrals to specialists are more challenging than ever. AristaMD can help. We offer intelligent provider matching, ordering and tracking – all from a single platform.
Are Digital Consultations and Referral Tools the Solution to Physician and Practice Staff Burnout?
Digital consultations and referral management tools have a positive impact on patient care while reducing the workload for physicians and their staff. Unsurprisingly, primary care visits rose dramatically during and after Covid-19.
Patients Wait Too Long to Get a Specialist Appointment
Primary care referrals to specialists are more challenging than ever. AristaMD can help. We offer intelligent provider matching, ordering and tracking – all from a single platform.
Long Wait Times for Healthcare Decrease Specialist Access
Long wait times for healthcare are preventing patients from receiving specialty advice and allowing further health issues to arise.
It’s Time for a New Approach to Referring Patients
When the patient referral process breaks down, the patient’s health and the provider’s bottom line are at risk. Today, these breakdowns happen far too often.
How Clinics Improve Specialist Selection
An electronic consult physician can address a wide variety of conditions. Learn how these consults can address a wide range of complaints.
Five Ways eConsults Support Value-Based Care
About 70% of eConsults can address what physicians would typically send forward for a face-to-face specialty visit. As a web-based physician-to-physician consultation, there is no need for any particular technology or integration.