Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care:
Review Referral Trends After Launching eConsults

Eric Urquiza, Sr. Vice President of Operations & Client Experience at AristaMD

After launching an eConsult program, referral trends should decline and stabilize once eConsults are being used regularly by your providers.

Earlier, we reviewed a chart that showed a peak in eConsult usage. This peak is the ideal time to educate providers about additional specialties that eConsult can support.  My team can provide sample use cases and common conditions during this period to improve cost savings and reduce the burden to patients that come with visiting a specialist in-person.

How eConsults are enhancing network retention deliver declines in referral trends costs via effective referral management

How eConsults are Enhancing Network Retention via Effective Referral Management

Patients are the lifeblood of any thriving healthcare network. Through the use of telehealth clinical services to promote effective referral management, these networks can dramatically enhance vital patient retention, which is key to the success of both fee-for-service (FFS) and value-based care organizations.

Attracting new patients is always beneficial; however, this tends to be resource-intensive. Existing patients typically account for the majority of appointments, making retention a key metric to monitor closely and integrate into organizational goals. When a patient seeks services outside their established healthcare network, the network undergoes what is commonly known as “patient leakage,” a generally undesirable result for health systems, patients and payors.

In addition to the clear loss of retained patient revenue, this causes difficulties in care coordination laddering up to implications within quality goals for both fee-for-service (FFS) and value-based organizations. Patient leakage is especially undesirable for Accountable Care Organizations (ACO), as these providers still bear the responsibility, financially speaking, for these patients’ outcomes. Patients may pay more out-of-pocket expenses for out-of-network care, which in turn may negatively impact appropriate follow-up care, outcomes and satisfaction. This begs the following question: how can a healthcare network better approach referral management in a manner that benefits all healthcare stakeholders?

Eric Urquiza

Eric Urquiza

Sr. Vice President of Operations & Client Experience at AristaMD

Eric has 20 years of experience driving transformational healthcare IT programs, advancing patient care, improving access and outcomes for patients through technological solutions. He has been successful in leading many strategic client relationships and increasing provider adoption of telehealth solutions, ultimately leading to strong efficacy for underserved populations throughout the country. Eric holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Redlands.

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