Healthcare IT Today: What Tends to Go Wrong With Medication Adherence?

What Tends to Go Wrong With Medication Adherence?

This is the third article in a series about problems people have taking their medication. The previous article categorized various ways that information technology can help. This article looks at special conditions that weren’t covered in previous articles.

Interventions Must Be Tailored

Reminders lie at the core of many IT solutions to medication adherence. But a mechanistic delivery of generic messages with no particular appeal to a patient’s needs and values will usually be a waste. As Bryan Hill, VP of digital health and innovation at Cognizant, says, “Nudge, but don’t nag.”

I am personally annoyed by the messages my pharmacy and insurance company send me to remind me to order my medication. These messages arrive when a couple months of my current prescriptions remain, so they’re asking me to get medication that will age before I take it. More pointedly, I’ve been taking some of these drugs for more than 20 years and I have never missed a renewal, so you think the insurer would notice and let me alone.

AristaMD helps doctors connect with specialists in more than 70 specialties and do online consultations. This service can improve prescribing by applying the specialist’s expertise. Medicaid now allows specialists to bill for these eConsults.

Pam Gould, RN, MHA

Chief Growth Officer, AristaMD

Pharm. D.

Medication Review

COVID patient with a history of asthma, obesity and gastric bypass. The patient is on several medications with possible contraindications. Please see the list of medications in the patient’s chart.

Please provide a medication review. The patient requested Paxlovid. Is Paxlovid appropriate for this patient?