eConsults: Consult a Physician Specialist for Addiction Medicine and Related Conditions

Sample eConsults

Consult a physician specialist for advice to support your addiction medicine, infectious disease & hepatology treatment plans. eConsults increase access to specialty care for patients so you can deliver faster care. Receive expert advice in as little as 4 hours with AristaMD.

All patient, provider, and specialist details have been removed to de-identify these eConsults.

Consult a Physician Specialist for Addiction Medicine and Related Conditions
Increase safety-net patient capacity by improving access to specialty care

Increase Safety-net Patient Capacity by Improving Access to Specialty Care

As community health centers (CHCs) are challenged to integrate care across the continuum and deliver value to safety-net healthcare settings, there are also pushed to improve quality and patient satisfaction.

eConsult platforms are a means of digitally enhancing safety-net capacity by increasing access to specialist care while retaining patients in primary care settings when it is appropriate and more cost-effective to do so.

Safety-Net Services

Over 24 million Americans rely on CHCs, including Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), as their initial point of access to healthcare services. The health services being offered to these “safety-net” healthcare patients must evolve to meet the changing demographics and health needs of this complex population. CHCs must evolve their service-delivery models from just identifying and treating patients with acute conditions to being able to manage this population with a high prevalence of chronic and complex conditions across a continuum of care. Up to 25 percent of CHC visits generate referrals to outside providers, and these sites could benefit from improved solutions to deliver closer integration between hospital and clinic-based components of care.

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