Topic Results for "eConsults"

Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: eConsult Patient Benefits

eConsult patient benefits include patients save money with fewer copays, less travel expenses and reduced time off work; patient satisfaction improves when diagnosis and treatment are delivered quickly; equal access to specialty care increases because social and geographic challenges related to care are reduced; and outcomes also improve when patients receive treatment fast, avoid expensive emergency care, and experience better care continuity.

Measuring Practice Success and Patient Care: 20% of eConsults Report a New Diagnosis

After launching an eConsult program, referral trends should decline and stabilize once eConsults are being used regularly by your providers. Earlier, we reviewed a chart that showed a peak in eConsult usage. This peak is the ideal time to educate providers about additional specialties that eConsult can support.  My team can provide sample use cases and common conditions during this period to improve cost savings and reduce the burden to patients that come with visiting a specialist in-person.